Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Collecting antiques

Apart from the professional life, I am crazy about collecting antiques. Even you can find lots of precious monuments and antiques in my home. Whenever you are planning to buy any antique, you should keep some facts in mind for a good deal

Make a point of studying books and catalogues (even old ones) on your subject, then attend a few auctions, be sure that your choice of antiques on the viewing days before the auction was god. Always give enough time to visit and explore the antiques shops, both before and after any auction sales. This way you will gradually be able to review what quality items are accessible and the prices being currently asked.

Make a point of chatting to interested peoples, or well-known collectors, about what has happen after the auction. Sometimes people can gain a lot of useful guidance about particular pieces. Being a collector of antiques, I felt that it needs lot of attention, search and patience to buy something because you can never buy any so costly thing without a prior study about it.

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