Thursday, April 10, 2008

My Golden Policy for Buying or Collecting Antiques

Like any other collector my fascination for collecting antiques started at the age of 3or 4 with simple coins ant stamps. And like all the others I was also more concerned about the magnitude rather then worth of the collection. However, it was amusing and it laid the support for the obedience that would be required in later on life. With the passing of time my compilation began to establish with my earnings, no doubt in a similar move toward the way my collecting started.
There are few tips I would like to share with the other collectors to make the beginner understand the terms and conditions of the collection and to get more on the antiques from the expert ones.
1: - Not to attach yourself with any of your collection so closely that you can never be a parted from
2:- Try to collect all the information about the item you are interested in.

:- If you are buying antiques as an investment then always keep an eye on the market regarding the
item you are buying, antiques are also like shares they can go up and down any time.

If you are interested in serious collections of antiques and making money wit them these rules will certainly help you a lot. As in my case they have been like the golden lines or me in this business and even for getting great antiques which are really rare and could not be bought that easily.